Hitting London in high heels

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Some girls


Went to see 'Some Girls' starring David Schwimmer last night! Was so excited to see one of the friends characters in the flesh('pivetttt' hey Lousi!) l I would say that old Dave doesn't have the greatest range tho...he played a very similar character to that of Ross Gellar. It was a great show, very amusing and he was really tall and quite attractive in the flesh. He got his kit off which was a nice surprise.

There's been a bit of heartbreak around the camps, Rachel and Ben are no longer together. He was a two timing jerk so she's better off without him. He actually looks a lot like Owen Wilson and the terrible thing is, Owen is currenty starring in that new movie The Wedding Crashers so there are billboards on every street corner with Owen's/Ben's face...Rachel is threatening to grafitti one of the billboards near Ben's house with some reference to his manhood...I say go Rach!

Had a massive weekend, met some cool people including a music buff who loves Incubus and Johnny Depp, my kinda guy...very cool. Am way excited about this Thursday, my cousin Becca is coming down and a big group of us are going out for a night of dancing and general craziness. (don't worry Uncle Cedric, I WILL lead her astray)....hehe

Had my first pay cheque on Monday! My god, it was so good. I made my first big purchase which ended up not being that big cos of the sales. A cute little pink VK Mobile for £60.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is out Friday...everyone go see it! It will be fantastic I'm sure. My little Johnny won't disappoint. Will be seeing it with aforementioned music buff...

Love ya long time. Rachixxx


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