Hitting London in high heels

Friday, December 08, 2006

Santa baby

Hello darlings!

Firstly I must apologise for my slackness, I haven't updated this in a while...

Really good things have been happening lately! I have a new job. I am now working for an interior design agency called Fox Linton associates in the role of Project Secretary. In comparison to my job at C4, I am so much busier which is what I love! The people are all very friendly and warm and I'm having a ball!

Cherae is on her way to my part of the world in a few weeks time! I am so excited, I'm gonna take her out to see all the London attractions and hopefully we'll hit a few good bars and clubs. I may have to try some of my favourite places that I tried when I first got here...slug and lettuce.....flashbacks.....

Christmas time soon peoples!! I am sad not to be spending it with my loved ones but at the same time I am looking forward to spending it with my marky. We are going for dinner at his friends house, there will be about 12 of us and lots of food and alcohol so it should be a good night! I will take snaps. Speaking of snaps, I will make sure I get some more when Chaz is in town as I'm sure she will. It will be a race to see who can put them on their Blog first!

All my love Rachi xxxxxxxxxxx

PS Congratulations to Amanda and Aaron on their engagement!


  • At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats on your new job Rach!


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