Hitting London in high heels

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mouldy blankets

Hi peeps

Our new flat is all sorted! Claire and I are moving into a brand spanker in Fulham on Saturday. Its such a beautiful flat, renovated earlier this year so its ultra modern. I met some of the roomates last night who seem like my kinda people. There are two males from Australia and NZ and one English girl. It is so ideal, its about a three minute walk from Fulham Broadway which is my favourite spot in London, where all the great pubs are!

It’s getting really cold at the moment, they say it may snow on the weekend. I was listening to the radio and they were speaking about the homeless and how a large percentage will die during the winter months. It really makes me stop and think about how awful it must be for them. Its bad enough walking to and from work, these people are lying on the freezing concrete, wrapped in carpet off cuts and mouldy blankets in minus degree temperatures. I want to do something to help but I feel afraid of them. Not that most of them are threatening in any way but a lot are drunk and out of it. There was this one little homeless man that used to sit in an alleyway where I passed on my way home. I haven’t seen him for ages; I gave him a few of my groceries once or twice. I sometimes wonder how he’s doing; he was so skinny and frail.

I just realised I talk about homeless people a lot! I think its because being from a small city like Hobart you don’t really see any, then you come here and the streets are full of them.

On a brighter note, work is going fabulously well. This coming from the girl who claimed she wasn’t a "career type." I got some great feedback from my bosses who want to put me on a manager’s course at the beginning of next year which is an internationally recognised course! Sweeeet. I may actually have a promising career after all. It would be so great to stay in the television industry, as it’s such an interesting ever-changing environment to work in.

My social life has taken a nosedive for the past couple of weeks because I’ve been stuck with the dreaded flu. It should be back on track this weekend so I’m sure to have more news to report on that front.

Hope that everyone’s exams went well and your all readying yourselves for the party season! Have a cocktail for me! Keep me tuned in on all the goss.

Also wanted to make mention of a blog I wrote back on 29th June regarding James Blunt and my prediction for him being big in Aus. I hear he is? So happy for him, hes a bit of a hottie eh girls?

Lots of love hugs and a long overdue ass slapping


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Hi guys

Well Claire and I are living in luxury in Mayfair, a house with four levels. It looks like its out of one of those classic British movies...so cute. Even the homeless guys are more upperclass than your regular street people. I had to do a double take this morning when I saw a guy sleeping in a doorway with a tray of sushi lying next to him. Nice.

Claire's 21st birthday weekend was great. Friday night one of the security officers took us to a lovely French restaurant in Covent Garden called Tutons. He freaked us out a little though, having brought his camera he took over 20 photos and kept laughing and commenting on how he couldn't believe he was at dinner with two girls. Oookay mate.

We spent Saturday chilling out at the hotel then that evening we went and met up with Rachel my ex roomie who now has brown hair and looks really gorgeous as well as Tash and Kristen. We shared a few drinks then headed for a boogie at Belushis.We stayed till close at which time the bar launched in to song, singing a drunken version of Waltzing Matilda. I think it was partly to get back a little Aussie pride after the frustrating English win in the Rugby. (Yes, they are are all gloating.) Sunday we were back at Pitcher and Piano my fave Sunday bar where several of the bartenders asked where I'd been the last couple of Sundays which was lovely. Its nice to feel like part of a community and that's what its like in Fulham. Its mah home! I took it upon myself to find fellas to give Claire a birthday kiss for her 21st, there were many takers lemmi tell you!

Claire and I are flat hunting this week, aiming specifically for Fulham but last night Claire saw a gorgeous place in Action which is also quite an Australian dominated area so we're considering that too.

Peace and love to all, mah mummy is visiting me in under 5 weeks! Yay.

Lots of love rachixxx

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

French Adventure

Hi guys!

Claire and I had an amazing, fun and surprising time in France. After picking up our cute little VW Polo we cruised towards Mt Blanc. Having no understanding of French road signs we somehow managed to wind up on the border of France and Italy! The guy at the Toll asked if we'd like to go to Italy and we were like Nooooo! After a quick reverse in our speedy little car, we finally found our destination - Les Contamines!

The chalet was massive and was seriously the ideal party house, with enough beds for 18 people. We dumped our stuff, turned up the heating and relaxed. In the afternoon we headed down to the town and were surprised and impressed to see a condom machine next to the local boulangerie!

The next day we took a hike in the mountains near the town of St Gervais, how spectacular. It was trully breathtaking even for gals like me who prefer the sites of a good shopping mall or a hot ass.

That evening we discovered there was an ice hockey match in the town and having not seen any ski hunks decided to attend! It was well worth it, we are serious ice hockey fans now. The game was very exciting and rough and the men were rather lush. We ended up being approached by French guy named Jerome who was friends with the players and invited us to a local bar and club to celebrate afterwards which was loads of fun.

Sunday was spent relaxing and playing scrabble, which I won with some choice words. We also tasted some of the local delights including a delicious savoury quiche and of course croissants. I also mastered the French style thanks to a matching pink hat and scarf leant to me by the gorgeous Claire.

We were so lucky and had such a great time. It was nice to have a break away from work, a bit of fresh air in our lungs and a car to drive for a few days. I didn't realise how much I had missed being behind the wheel until I started driving (although driving on the right and giving way to the left was a change!)

I would recommend a visit to anyone, if everything I have said hasn't convinced you, let me just add that all the cows have massive bells around their necks and all you can hear is the sound of the bells ringing as they chew grass. Too cute! xxxx

Love rachixxxxxxx

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What tha? - UPDATED

Hi mingers (mingers is now an affectionate term)

Rachi is off to the ski fields of Les Contamines on Friday - YAY and MEXICAN WAVE! Its about time I saw a bit of Europe, I've been a Londoner for a good 5 months now! Claire and I fly out Friday morning to Geneva where we're hiring a car to Les - C in the French Alps. It will be a weekend of relaxation, hiking and eye spy for any cute snowboarders...

Had a blinder of a Friday, was bollocked by my boss for cracking onto one of the security officers. hehe. I do need to take a moment to whinge about that actually. Do men have to apologise for subjecting us girls to countless hours of chest ogling and ass pinching? Now, my girlies in Hobart would know only too well that I've always tried to change this stereotype by pinching a few asses of my own. I'm thinking my boss is jealous his own ass remains un-pinched. Word is that the security team are very happy that they now have a 'hot sec/rec supervisor' so stick that where the sun don't shine Mr. Manager.

We went to a very average Halloween Party on the Saturday hosted by TNT. The bar itself was dark and depressing and everyone but Claire and I were dressed up – although it was a good outfit day - my new boots made an appearance coupled with denim mini. The highlight of the night was a guy dressed as The Crow which is one of my favourite movies of all time. I swear this guy must live for Halloween, as he was the spitting image of Brandon Lee with all the white makeup and black eyes.

Here he is, spotted him in the latest issue of TNT Magazine...mmm. Richard, you would have to agree with me on this one...

Claire and I are doing the monopoly board of London suburbs as far as living arrangements go. We are currently residing in Knightsbridge in a gorgeous four-bedroom apartment rent-free so we are lucky little chickens. The week after next we will be living at her relly's apartment in Mayfair for a couple of weeks whilst looking for a fantastic new studio apartment. It’s great cos it gives us the extra time to find a really swanky pad for just two people which are definitely not as easy to come by as share houses.

Love ya long time sexy people.
