Hitting London in high heels

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Time

Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd drop an ultra festive message as I may not get a chance later. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy Christmas with far too much wine. I am lucky enough to have my mum with me, we are heading up to Wales to share the special day with my rels. I met mum at the airport a few days ago in freezing conditions and took her to the flat. She loved it and said it has a very cosy walm feel. She also met the boys - Garret and Ryan - who she thought were very nice but hasn't met Soph yet as she isn't home much.

Rachel has now left and should be soaking up the rays in Aus. You will be missed Rach, you will have left a noticeable gap in my social life I'm sure! Friday was her farewell party, we started at Punch and Judy's but couldn't resist heading back to our old favourite Belushi's in Fulham for a final farewell to the pub that holds many memories and secrets best left behind the bar...I will try and continue the tradition without you and will make sure no one forgets Rach-o.
Saturday night was Jackie's house party in Wimbledon where she's housesitting with her friend Phil. (I will have photos up from that party in Jan, promise!) It was meant to be a fairly tame night but do they ever end up that way? Had a sore head the next morning (a reminder to ones self not to mix drinks.) I was amazed to find out that night that bars do deliveries - handy! We all chipped in a fiver and ordered an assortment of beverages.

My social calender is now clear and I am going on a 'kate moss style' detox in Wales! That is the intention anyway. No more parties, late nights which turn into late mornings or alcohol. I am going to be a good girl for at least two weeks. I may even take up tai chi, find my inner self and get all zen. 'hmmmmm...'

Take care ladies and gents, will speak to ya'll in 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love and festive ass slaps


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Hi guys

Rachi is back and raring to go having spent half the night in casualty! Yes that’s right, I’ve had an ongoing chest cough and last night I had this incredible chest pain which was affecting my breathing so Claire got me out of bed and took me to the hospital. (thanks mummy Claire.) After two blood tests, a heart scan and chest x-ray it was revealed I was – fine! Just an intense muscle strain. So you know what that means? I have a clean bill of health and am ready to hit ‘em up style! How stupid did I feel though? It was a relief to find out that I wasn’t going to cark it anytime soon but now I have these massive purple bruises on my arms from where they took blood. Soooo not going to match my party outfits…

The weekend just gone was huge, we met up with some fun people including Welsh Matt, Contiki Timbo and a guy named Andrew (agh, flashbacks to ex…) and I finally saw Rachel again – its been so long cos she’s living all the way out in Essex. It was fun to play catch up and laugh over all the crazy things we did in our time living together. I’ll never forget our ‘bonds boys’ or our nights of random phone calls to Michael and Ben, or the car crash into our front door – then the hottie tottie firemen that came to save the day (and your classic commando roll)!! Love you long time Rache. See you at your farewell Friday…

Tuesday was the Channel 4 Christmas Party and what a glamorous affair it was. The venue was at a place called Floridita
http://www.floriditalondon.com/ a stunning Cuban Bar. It was made up of two stories with a massive dance floor downstairs and these amazing chocolate fountains that you dipped strawberries and marshmallows in. Mmm. We spent most of the evening with the security team, dancing the night away.

The following photos are from the Christmas Party

The last is my boss Andy - doesn't quite seem old enough to be a 'boss'. That's what I like about Channel4, its such a young company.

Anyway it was a fun night! Check ya'll laterz


Monday, December 05, 2005

Weekend news

Well Rachael is in a festive mood today after the trees went up for Christmas at the channel. Channel4 doesn’t do anything by half lemmi tell you. The trees are massive and beautifully decorated with purple and silver lights. One thing I’ve noticed is how thick and lush the Christmas trees actually are. I remember my family and I wading through dozens of sad-ass looking trees at the servo in Clarence St, only to go home with something that was minus a few branches. I always remember being so upset when it came time to throw out the tree, I would often go and visit it on the woodpile for days afterwards until it got taken to the tip.

Saw my lovely friend Alice on Thursday; it’s been too long between drinks. We headed to a Sushi party in Camden where Alice ended up totally trashed. I stuck to the soft stuff as I was still on antibiotics. House parties are in a league of their own over here, the guy Dan had hired out a DJ and invited over 40 people with a £5 cover charge at the door! It was an amazing house and the people were very ‘arty’ cool.

Friday night was spent in Leicester Square with Claire and Lynnie from work. We went for some yummy Italian then to the flicks to see In Her Shoes with Cameron Diaz. Loved it. Cried three times. Having read the book beforehand they had adapted it really well. Saturday night my new roomies Mel (actually, we’ve taken her room so technically she isn’t a roommate) Ryan, Garrett, Sophie, her girlfriend Natalie, Claire and I went out for a pub-crawl around Fulham. We started off at an Oktoberfest Bar then headed to Pitcher and Piano where we played ‘I have never’ a drinking game where you say something you’ve never done and those at the table who have done that thing have to have a drink. Very fun game and a little bit naughty! Received a text from my fave doorman from Belushi’s Gustav saying:
“Listen sweetheart, you and your friends are our stars and with your absence it’s quite boring. Do come around when you can”.
Well what could I do but go? Ha-ha. Not happy Jan that he didn’t waver the entrance fee though.

Sunday Claire and I were lazy buggers for most of the day but by 4pm we were ready to go again and headed for 2 for 1 cocktails at TGI Fridays. Due to the gentle persuasion of the Welsh barman Claire and I ended up having a fishbowl Strawberry Daiquiri, Sex on the beach, Bailey Oreo, and then two shots - a Flatliner and some other with three layers. I made some dodgy map of Tassie joke to Matt the barman (under the influence) as Claire passed on her phone number then we headed Pitcher and Piano to dance the night away.